class: center, middle, contrast # "Load-aware" L4 load balancing Kamila Součková Advanced Topics in Communication Networks 2018-12-20 --- class: contrast, expanded, middle # Aims 1. **Implement an L4 load balancer** Single virtual IP for a pool of application servers 2. **Be able to choose the _distribution_:** If a server is very busy, it should get fewer new connections (In the data plane. At line rate.) --- # Simple L4 load balancer .floatright[.qrcode[]] **Up to L3: it is a router** Details: [How do routers really work?]( **L4 flow:** .width90[] * kind of like the ECMP exercise * mind the return path --- class: contrast, expanded, middle # Changing the distribution Three problems: 1. Which distribution to choose? 2. How to implement load balancing with a given distribution? 3. How to dynamically change the distribution while there are active connections? --- class: contrast, expanded, middle count: false # Changing the distribution Three problems: 1. **Which distribution to choose? ⇒ not SDN** 2. How to implement load balancing with a given distribution? 3. How to dynamically change the distribution while there are active connections? --- class: contrast, expanded, middle count: false # Changing the distribution Three problems: 1. Which distribution to choose? 2. **How to implement load balancing with a given distribution?** 3. How to dynamically change the distribution while there are active connections? --- # Weighted load balancing Same as the equal-cost case, except we add the server multiple times: .center[] blue server will get 2/5 of requests, pink server will get 3/5 **Disadvantage:** table gets big quickly --- # Idea: Making the table smaller How can we conceptually add an entry N times with fewer actual entries? .width90[] .center[] .footnote[\* not implemented due to lack of time] --- count: false # Idea: Making the table smaller How can we conceptually add an entry N times with fewer actual entries? .width90[] .center[] .footnote[\* not implemented due to lack of time] --- class: contrast, expanded, middle count: false # Changing the distribution Three problems: 1. Which distribution to choose? 2. How to implement load balancing with a given distribution? 3. **How to dynamically change the distribution while there are active connections?** --- # The problem: .center.width80[] -- **Fix:** Keep server assignments in a connections table .center.width100[] --- # The second problem: Table writes are not instant: .center.width95[] -- **Fix:** Keep old pool data, discard only after all connections using them are in `conn_table` --- exclude: true # Not breaking connections .center.width90[] --- # Old pool data??? **Fix:** Versioned tables: ```c table ipv4_dips { key = { * meta.version: exact; meta.server_pool: exact; meta.flow_hash: exact; } ... } ``` write to a register from the control plane to set the active version --- # The third problem: For a given packet, how to determine to which pool version that connection belongs? -- **Fix:** Hard-code a few "version slots" (I use 4) and cycle through them. Use a Bloom filter (set membership) to decide whether the packet belongs to version slot _i_. Insert new connections into its version's Bloom filter. --- class: tall # Life of a packet .center.width100[] --- # Bloom filters: Controller 1. Need to track outstanding writes ⇒ make table writes asynchronous: ```python def recv_packet(self, packet): ... self.pending_writes[version].append( self.conn_table.add(...)) # async ``` 2. Wait for completion before overwriting a version: ```python def commit(self): await DeferredList( self.pending_writes[self.vips.next_version]) ... ``` .right.footnote[\* `await` is actually spelled `yield` in Python 2 + Twisted ] --- # How not to go crazy 1. Each component is written and tested separately: ```py class Router(IPv4Routing, ArpLazy, L2SwitchLazy, BaseController): pass # :D ``` 2. Asynchronous (using the [Twisted]( framework) * easier to handle `conn_table` writes correctly (see before) * makes it much easier to test things 3. Tests! ??? Cleanly structured code --- exclude: true # Tests * integration tests * launch `p4run` * run and communicate with clients, servers, and controller ```py @pt.inlineCallbacks def test_add_dip(remote_module, p4run): client, server, lb = ... ... pool_h = yield lb.add_pool('', 8000) yield lb.add_dip(pool_h, p4run.IP['h2'], 8001) ... yield client.callRemote('make_connections', '', 8000, count=47) num_conns = yield server.callRemote('get_conn_count') assert num_conns == 47 ``` --- # Tests example: Single run
??? Here's an example of running one test: it's an integration test, so it starts p4run for me, then it starts the servers, clients, and the controller here you can see the table_add's from the controller, it also started the server and client now it has told the clients to connect to the servers through the loadbalancer and it's checking that the connections work here it says 47/47 connections succeeded and the test passed --- # Tests example: Session
--- class: contrast, center, middle # Demo! --- exclude: true # Demo We need to: * start servers * configure load balancer: * teach it how to get load and how to balance * add server pools * connect to servers --- class: tall # Conclusion .center.width60[] * table versioning + Bloom filters to find version * prefixes idea for weights * test-driven development * interesting software engineering aspects --- class: center, middle # Questions? :-) --- .width100[]